Sunday Service Programs
The primary work of the Sunday Services Programs Committee, chaired by Andy Petruska, is to arrange speakers/topics and alternative programs for each Sunday morning service. We strive to coordinate programs that are consistent with the UU faith and that inspire, challenge, and nourish members and guests. The committee uses many channels for identifying speakers and negotiating speaking dates and fees, including the UUA Florida District's speaker's bureau, other Florida UU congregations speaker information, FIT's speaker's bureau, member's suggestions, and other FFP committee's suggestions.
The Sunday Services Programs Committee also establishes the standard order of service, recruits and trains Services Leaders, and maintains instructions and guidelines for Service Leaders. We provide the speaker schedule and information about upcoming speakers/topics to Service Leaders, Newsletter Editor, Publicity Committee, Treasurer, Sunday Scheduler, and others who use this information to prepare for and deliver Sunday programs. To assist in publicizing FFP's Sunday programs, the committee sends weekly e-mail "teasers" on upcoming programs. We provide a "feedback box" in FFP's meeting hall for collecting feedback on Sunday Service programs and we collect, consolidate, and analyze the feedback received and use this information to plan future programs. We maintain a list of FFP's speakers with current contact information.
Check out what's coming up this Sunday and the next few Sundays on our Upcoming Services page.
Committee members help to maintain the microphone portion of the audio system in the meeting hall and are responsible for taking the hand-held microphone around for individuals to use during the portions of each Sunday service in which attendees speak (such as Joys & Concerns and Questions/Dialog). We also sign out and keep track of the Assisted Listening Devices that are included in FFP's audio system.
The Sunday Services Programs Committee also establishes the standard order of service, recruits and trains Services Leaders, and maintains instructions and guidelines for Service Leaders. We provide the speaker schedule and information about upcoming speakers/topics to Service Leaders, Newsletter Editor, Publicity Committee, Treasurer, Sunday Scheduler, and others who use this information to prepare for and deliver Sunday programs. To assist in publicizing FFP's Sunday programs, the committee sends weekly e-mail "teasers" on upcoming programs. We provide a "feedback box" in FFP's meeting hall for collecting feedback on Sunday Service programs and we collect, consolidate, and analyze the feedback received and use this information to plan future programs. We maintain a list of FFP's speakers with current contact information.
Check out what's coming up this Sunday and the next few Sundays on our Upcoming Services page.
Committee members help to maintain the microphone portion of the audio system in the meeting hall and are responsible for taking the hand-held microphone around for individuals to use during the portions of each Sunday service in which attendees speak (such as Joys & Concerns and Questions/Dialog). We also sign out and keep track of the Assisted Listening Devices that are included in FFP's audio system.