Youth Religious Education Committee
Chair: Ruth Rodgers
Members: Kim Kroflich, Laura Walker, Laura Petruska, Pat Tebbe, Sally Gourd, Cindy Collins
The Youth RE committee oversees the children's Sunday morning RE program and provides a reader or story teller for the Story for All Ages portion of the Sunday morning service. The children begin their Sunday in Friendship Hall with their families and after the chalice lighting and opening hymn, come forward for a story before being sung off to the Sunday school room for their lesson and accompanying activities, provided by teacher Kim Kroflich. Lessons are provided for children ages 5-12, and child care for those younger than 5, concurrent with the adult Sunday morning service.
The committee is responsible for providing a teacher and a teen assistant for the children's RE and overseeing their work as well as maintaining the rooms where the children's activities take place to make sure they are attractive and welcoming as well as safe for children of all ages. For our curriculum, we use the Tapestry of Faith units available for downloading from the UUA website. Teen programs are also available whenever there is sufficient need and participation.
A final important job of the committee is to publicize the children's program and attract more young families to Friendship Fellowship. We welcome new members to the Youth RE Committee, so if you are interested in working with the children and joining our rotation of readers/story tellers for the Story for All Ages, please see chair Ruth Rodgers.
Stephen Downen leading our Art Nature and Theater campers in song:
Easter Eggs Found
Children enjoyed hunting Easter eggs at the Fellowship on Easter Sunday.
Children enjoyed hunting Easter eggs at the Fellowship on Easter Sunday.
Children's projects displayed
Our Religious Education group recently planted avocado seeds and made some clay creations, pictured here. More pictures are expected from the upcoming Easter egg hunt. Please bring your children and/or grandchildren to join in the fun.
Our Religious Education group recently planted avocado seeds and made some clay creations, pictured here. More pictures are expected from the upcoming Easter egg hunt. Please bring your children and/or grandchildren to join in the fun.