Upcoming Services
This Sunday, September 15:
Children's Religious Education at 10:30 am:
The Youth RE committee oversees the children's Sunday morning RE program, as well as special events during the year, including a one-week ANT (Art, Nature, Theater) Camp each summer. The children begin their Sunday in Friendship Hall with their families and after the opening hymn, come forward for the chalice lighting and the Children’s Affirmation before being sung off to the Sunday school room for their lesson and accompanying activities, provided by teacher Kim Kroflich. Lessons are provided for children ages 5-12, and child care for those younger than 5, concurrent with the adult Sunday morning service.
The committee is responsible for providing a teacher and a teen assistant for the children's RE and overseeing their work as well as maintaining the rooms where the children's activities take place to make sure they are attractive and welcoming as well as safe for children of all ages. For our curriculum, we use the Tapestry of Faith units available for downloading from the UUA website. Teen programs are also available whenever there is sufficient need and participation.
A final important job of the committee is to publicize the children's program and attract more young families to Friendship Fellowship. We welcome new members to the Youth RE Committee, so if you are interested in working with the children and joining us, please see chair Ruth Rodgers. Read more about our Youth Religious Education program...
The committee is responsible for providing a teacher and a teen assistant for the children's RE and overseeing their work as well as maintaining the rooms where the children's activities take place to make sure they are attractive and welcoming as well as safe for children of all ages. For our curriculum, we use the Tapestry of Faith units available for downloading from the UUA website. Teen programs are also available whenever there is sufficient need and participation.
A final important job of the committee is to publicize the children's program and attract more young families to Friendship Fellowship. We welcome new members to the Youth RE Committee, so if you are interested in working with the children and joining us, please see chair Ruth Rodgers. Read more about our Youth Religious Education program...
Coffee and Conversations at 11:30 am:
Enjoy coffee and other refreshments as you converse with old friends and make new ones.
October 6
Mid-Year Congregational Meeting (tentative date)
(No speaker)
October 27
CUUPS Service
CUUPS Service
November 3
Sermon by Rev. Phil Lund (zoom)
November 10
Rev. Elizabeth Stamper (in person)
November 17
Rev. Amanda Aikman
November 24
Sermon by Jeanne Crane
December 1: to be announced
December 8:
Friendship 2.0
Sermon by Lydia Denworth
December 15: to be announced
December 22: to be announced
December 29:
The Most Important Presidential Elections in History
Sermon by Dr. Yanek Mieczkowski
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If closed captions would help you access our Zoom meetings, you can enable this feature for yourself. Anyone can have this feature, free. Just go to
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